Kia ora! Talofa Lava! Mālo Ni! Kia Orana!

Welcome to our Te Wāhi Tiaki Tātou information hub, designed to keep you informed and connected around hauora (health & wellbeing) changes in Porirua!

Te Wāhi Tiaki Tātou - A safe and caring place
transforming hauora (health & wellbeing) systems in Porirua!

  • Te Wāhi Tiaki Tātou is committed to prioritising a community-based approach. We have reaffirmed this message with our community following recent media about the uncertainties of the Localities approach.

    We are on the verge of creating positive tipping points to achieve equitable outcomes with a focus on prevention through transformation.

  • Guided under the leadership of Ngāti Toa Rangatira iwi through Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira, we can be seen as a ‘vehicle’ to influence cross-system initiatives for the Porirua community.

    By placing them at the heart of our mahi, we understand that this is a collective effort and prioritise their voice to drive community solutions.

  • The aim of our mahi is to prioritise the voices of iwi and communities in determining their needs for hauora (health & wellbeing) within their region and providing solutions that have come from community voice.

  • Community priorities must come from the community!

    Te Wāhi Tiaki Tātou is guided by community input and uses that for decision-making to better improve hauora (health & wellbeing) services in Porirua.

  • Reimagining Workshops, Online Surveys, Porirua Hauora Event +so much more!

    See our “Events” page to find out more on how you can be involved!

Identified Key Themes:

This is a summary of what community has told us so far

Here’s what you’re telling us!

  • "Accessible, affordable and culturally appropriate healthcare is important to me and my whānau."

    Ngāti Toa Rangatira / Māori representative

  • "We need Pacific models of care. Our health and wellbeing is influenced by our family and support network. Having services who understand this would be great!"

    Pacific representative

  • "I stress about school, finding a job, and supporting myself and helping my family. We need more services like the 502 in Porirua."

    Rangatahi (Youth) representative

  • "More knowledge about what is available to us. Healthy food is so expensive. Its hard to look after myself and my baby."

    Hāpu Māmā/ Pregnant mum

  • "I need more help learning to look after myself and not be dependent on WINZ, Kāinga Ora, and secondary services."

    Tāngata Whaikaha (Disability) communities

  • "Being supported to live my best life and to be informed of my options and information to support my total wellbeing for myself and my family."

    Kaumātua/ Elderly

  • "Language is the biggest barrier for me and my family. I spend a lot of time acting as a translator for my parents because services cant speak directly to them and dont understand the differences in our cultural beliefs."

    Migrant & Refugee representative

  • "Being healthy and able to see a doctor by not having to wait 6 weeks."

    Wider Porirua community

Our Priority Areas:

Based on the information and insights gathered from our community, here are our current priority areas:

  • Hapū Māmā, pēpi, & tamariki:

    • Improve access and affordability to dental services.

    • Explore health models that enable unenrolled whānau access to key services.

    • Health promotions and early intervention/prevention education.

    • Culturally appropriate, whānau-centered services are made available.


    • Offer AoD support to rangatahi through education and peer support.

    • Provide sexual health services.

    • Increase YOSS mental health teams - offering support from low to complex needs

    • Health promotion and early intervention/prevention education.

  • Tāngata Whaikaha (Disability) Communities:

    • Disability data is collected to address data gaps about the disability population.

    • Build capability and capacity for tāngata whaikaha by providing specific training to enable workforce to provide appropriate support.

  • Long Term Conditions:

    • Culturally appropriate, whānau-centered services are made available.

    Mental Health & Addictions:

    • Health promotion and early intervention/prevention education drugs and addictions (including harm minimisation)


    People with Cancer:

    • Focus on supporting cancer patients and their whānau and assist them to navigate health and soical services to ensure they have access to high-quality cancer care.

  • Data & Digital:

    • Identify opportunities across the partners to develop a shared capability across various ICT capabilities/services. Shared data platforms that are streamlined.

    Funding & Contracting:

    • Establish a flexible funding system that will support general practice to support whānau with complex social needs.


    • Multi-disciplinary teams working together to provide services for people and whānau, particularly in relations to Māori, Pacific, and Tāngata Whaikaha (Disability) communities.

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